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Weld-In with Bevel End


Welding is a process in metal fabrication in which metals are joined together via the application of intense heat to melt the parts together and allow them to solidify upon cooling. The cooling process causes the fusion of the members or materials involved. Most of the gadgets, tools, or devices we use daily are welding products, for example, kitchen utensils, vehicles, washing machines, cookers, mowers, etc. 


Welding is usually carried out through the application of heat or compression or a combination of both. The heat is typically applied via an arc flame; this kind of welding is called arc welding. Some people usually misinterpret welding as soldering, which is an entirely different process. Soldering involves using another material known as solder, which is melted to serve as the bonding material in the joining process.

Straight SAE Flange Weld-In with Bevel End

1. How to weld SAE Flange bevel end connection ?

In contrast, welding does not require any bonding material. The bond is created by burning the two materials or members involved. Welding is a permanent metal joining process that requires optimum practices and techniques to achieve the best results. An excellent example of such methods is using beveled ends.


A beveled end describes the end of a structure that is not perpendicular to the faces of the piece. The two terms, bevel, and chamfer are often interchanged in general usage. However, in technical usage, they are well differentiated. A bevel is commonly used to soften the edge of a metal piece prior to welding to ensure safety, facilitate mating with another piece, wear resistance, and aesthetics.

2. Advantage of SAE Flange bevel end welding connection.

A beveled end implies that there's a "V" shape with an estimated angle of 37 on one of the pieces to be welded, while the second one remains as it is. For a simple butt joint, there is usually a "V" on both sides of the workpieces. This "V" or bevel end helps to ensure the following:


  • Beveled edges provide a welded joint with a larger surface area. Hence, there is an increased weld. An increased weld implies a stronger joint as more weld material in the area where two or more pieces are being joined together. Numerous kinds of angles can provide a joint with more or less strength in the chosen direction of the engineer. You need to consider how much weld you need to apply to merge two pieces, mainly when the weld can only be used in the area where the edges mate. If you bevel the two pieces before welding, you will end up achieving a stronger joint. However, you need to avoid making the angle too large, as this can create problems. Too much weld can result in high stress on a structure, which can have adverse impacts on the structure. For this reason, welding engineers have specified bevel size and angle to achieve the optimum result with the minimum stress for every measurement of a weldment.


  • It helps to create bevels on the edges of the members to be welded as this helps to reduce the initial thickness of the members, thereby minimizing the workload on the welding machine; this enables you to get a perfect initial weld in place before placing additional beads on it to fill up the area.  


  • It ensures stable balance at the welded surface between metals of two different tensile strengths


  • It ensures a proportional distribution of the welding bead that doesn't allow porosity on the pool's cooling; this provides a larger surface for welding such that the fusion pool is hard enough to last for several decades.


  • There is greater penetration regardless of whether the weld pool is on the path of gravitational force or not. You are to apply bevel when dealing with materials that are 5mm thick and above. Failure to use the bevel here will result in incomplete penetration. Hence a weak joint is formed.


  • There is improved root formation, thus allowing proper chipping of slag and dirt.


In summary, the importance of using beveled ends in the welding process cannot be overemphasized. There is a need for you to improve your welding experience by applying this technique when appropriate.

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