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How to install Flat & Groove Face

Straight SAE Flange Installation

The flat face and groove face is amongst the complete set of an SAE flange. SAE Flanges are connecting devices for hydraulic systems used to attach pipes, hoses, and tubes. The SAE Flange comes with different components including flat face SAE Flange, groove face SAE Flange, 4 spring washers, and socket Allan cap screws, and elastomer o-ring. An SAE Flange is packaged in various types.


 For the type that comes with the flat and groove face, both are designed to be attached in the connection. To provide a tight and leak-free connection for the system, the flat and groove face are very important elements. While these two components look similar, they have some major differences.


1. What are SAE Flanges ?

SAE Flanges are connecting devices attached to hydraulic systems to give room for pipes, tubes, or hoses. These flanges are designed using various sizes for the pipes and other connecting devices. There are different hydraulic systems with requirements in terms of sizes, material, pressure series, etc. hence, it is very important to note the size recommendation before assembling a connection. SAE Flanges are also known as Code 61 and Code 62. While these are referring to the same component, they have a major difference in terms of pressure series. The Code 61 flange is designed to fit in systems requiring 3000 PSI and the Code 62 works perfectly with systems using 6000 PSI.

While talking about the SAE flat and groove face, we can’t but mention SAE Flanges because they are important components of the flange. When buying an SAE Flange, the package comes with different components which are vital to the connection. The complete set SAE Flange has five major component units. The cap screws, flat face, o-ring groove, spring washers, and o-ring face. The face of the SAE Flange has four holes and this is where the screws, cap, and washers will fit in. These components are used to drive and seal in the connection. Hence, ensuring it is secure and leak-proof. The o-ring groove is a rubber-like material and this serves as the seal between the flange faces. The o-ring face and flat side are the flange faces and the o-ring groove is placed between them.

2. What is the O-ring groove face ?

The o-ring groove face is also known as the male flange. Likewise, the o-ring groove face can be referred to as the toric joint. The o-ring side serves as the major housing component for the o-ring. A little has been mentioned about the o-ring earlier. The o-ring is an example of a sealant placed between the flange faces to connect and seal the attachment. Amongst the numerous sealants available for hydraulic systems, the o-ring side is one of the most popular because it gives a tight and safe connection. Since leakages can cause havoc to a hydraulic system, it is vital to use a good sealant for the connection. Another reason for the o-ring side’s wide usage is because the sealant is made from chemical-resistant materials. Most hydraulic systems especially those used in areas involving high chemical transmission are prone to quick corrosion. But with the o-ring side, the corrosion rate is slower due to the materials. 

3. What is the Flat face ?

The flat side is also known as the female flange. It serves as the other side for the male flange to create a connection. The flat side is designed to have an extended surface higher than the average flange face. The flat side is also very efficient for use in flanges with delicate materials. Therefore, the flat side serves as a protector for the flange in this case. 


The flat side flange is designed using the connection types UNC or metric thread. For better efficiency and productivity, the flat side flange should be applied in places and industries requiring less pressure exposure.

4. How is the flat face and o-ring groove face installed ?

For the proper installation of these two flanges, you have to follow the procedures. Since both are components of the SAE Flange, installing them cannot be detached from the complete installation of the flange. please refer to the instructions below:


  • Check thoroughly for particles and dirt on the surface area of the flange and generously lubricate the o-ring.

  • Insert the o-ring to its seat (o-ring groove) in the o-ring side flange and place the washers, cap screws in their rightful positions.

  • Carefully tighten the connection using your hand and following the torque value required for the bolts and nuts.

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